In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Red Grape Seed Extracts on some Important Human Pathogenic Bacteria
Red grape seed extracts, antimicrobial activities, gallic acid, pathogenic bacteriaAbstract
Red grape seed extracts (RGSE) were found to have antimicrobial properties. This study was conducted to determine the antibacterial potential of grape seed extracts on pathogenic bacteria and compare their properties with the standard antibiotics. RGSEs exhibited variable degrees of antibacterial activities against tested bacteria except for Enterococcus faecalis. Marked inhibition was observed with Pseudomonas aeruginosa using the methanol extraction. The zones of inhibition using the different aqueous solvents were relatively smaller compared to the zones of inhibition produced by the standard antibiotic discs. HPLC showed the presence of gallic acid in RGSE peaking at 29.670 min. There is a strong potential for RGSE to be used as an antimicrobial agent. It contains gallic acid and acts almost similar to standard antibiotics. However, the effects of these agents need to be further investigated in vivo.