About HKB Publications

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About HKB Publications

In 2011, HKB diversified its portfolio by introducing two new journals: "Analytical Chemistry Letters" and "Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature" This move was aimed at fostering a broader spectrum of scientific discourse within the academic community. The subsequent year, in 2012, HKB Publications achieved a major milestone by partnering with the prestigious Taylor and Francis group. This partnership has been pivotal in enhancing the reach and credibility of all three journals, which are now co-published in collaboration with Taylor and Francis. 
Building on this momentum, HKB Publications expanded its journal offerings further by introducing three additional journals: the "Journal of Advanced Microbiology" (ISSN Online: 2349-7785),"Drug Discovery and Development" (ISSN Online: 2349-7777), and "Food & Pharma International" (ISSN Online: 2456-4192) as an open access journal. Unfortunately, like many other endeavors, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the regular operations of these journals.
As we transition out of the pandemic era, HKB Publications is reintroducing these journals, poised to resume their contributions to the scientific community. Through rigorous research and scholarly discourse, these journals aim to enrich scientific knowledge and foster innovation in their respective fields. The HKB Publications is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity in scientific publishing, ensuring that its journals continue to make meaningful contributions to the advancement of science.